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Natalie Eastern Roses


Location - Apogee Studios

Avenue Industrial Estate, Bryant, 17 Southend Arterial Road, Romford RM3 0BY


Belly dance is a fun and enjoyable way to keep fit with its roots and history buried deep in the past.


**CLASS UPDATE - 2023**

Currently our Romford Class is running on a monthly pre-paid sign-up, rather than the previous six or twelve week courses. The choreographies will still be taught over twelve weeks consecutively, therefore if students wish to complete the full course, three months will be necessary. However, due to Covid uncertainties, it would not be fair to take the full course payment in advance. If there are any changes in restrictions, and lockdown is reinforced, the choreography will be completed online. If this is not suitable for any students, any remaining class payment will be carried forward to when physical classes can resume.





Course Description: The course is ideal for both beginners and those with some previous bellydance experience. The classes will have a highly enjoyable atmosphere and enable all students to enjoy learning a variety of moves and combinations whilst getting fit and toned in a friendly and supportive environment.


Belly Dance Technique & Combinations:

There is nothing more empowering than feeling fit and healthy and having strength and flexibility in your body. Our new Technique Drills for the Spring Term are designed to give your body a deep and stimulating workout that will help tone your body. Each drill will begin with a detailed breakdown of the technique and movements used.

The Technique Drills will cover a wide range of basic belly dance movements and isolations making it ideal for any beginner. It can also be used as a technique refresher for the more experienced dancer to help sharpen and improve isolations and deepen flexibility.  The workout will vary in pace and the repetition makes it easy to follow.

The drills are done to wonderful uplifting music that makes it extremely enjoyable to learn.  Not only will you learn new movements, isolations and combinations but you will also be working on strength and endurance too.  Get ready to expand your dance moves vocabulary, and dance it out whilst having a whole lot of fun!


New Dance Choreography:
We will also work towards learning a brand new choreography as the week’s progress.  Each week you will learn to master the new movements used in the dance. The moves will be explained in detail and are then knit together into combinations. These combinations eventually come together to form the full choreography.  There is plenty of repetition of the movements adding a little more each time. Printouts for the choreography will also be available to help you along the way. 


Bellydance is such a great way to stay fit, well, healthy and happy!  You will begin to notice many improvements in both your physical and mental well-being within weeks!  
By the end of the course not only will you feel healthier and fitter but you will also have learned so much too!  Come and join us and dance yourself happy and healthy and ready for the Summer!



Belly dance is a never ending inspirational and empowering journey... 

• Promotes positive body Image
• Fellowship and friendly enjoyable class atmosphere
• Speeds up your metabolic rate so you burn calories and loose weight. Belly dance not only burns calories but it also stimulates the digestive system and increases metabolism
​. Our fun filled cardio warm up is designed to give you a thorough but gentle warm up to prepare your body for the movements ahead. You will get many benefits and enjoyment from this workout!

• Improved co-ordination
• Relaxes Body and Mind
• Gives you new opportunities and opens many new doors


How to Enrol:

To secure your place on the next course please enquire here for more information on how to enrol.


If this is your very first course with us just come wearing something loose and comfortable. (We normally dance in bare feet).

The classes have a fun and enjoyable atmosphere and are extremely enjoyable.


Welcome to the wonderful world of belly dance!




Bellydance is suitable for ladies of all ages, shapes, sizes, ability and fitness levels. Bellydance is fun to learn and a wonderful way to become fitter, improve your figure, and shimmy away that excess weight. 


Sitara Dance also has drop-in classes in Brentwood, Romford, South Woodham Ferrers and Southend. Click here for details.


Each class will begin with a warm up using gentle stretching exercises followed by a practice drill of hip drops and rib isolations and cardio to prepare you for the dance moves. By the end of the course you will have completed a brand new full choreography and we will also teach you how to deliver the dance with performance tips and style! As always you will receive handouts on the dance choreography to help you along!


Belly dance is usually performed in bare feet. Come wearing something loose and comfortable, perhaps with a scarf to tie around your hips. You can purchase coin hip scarves in class at a reasonable price. We look forward to welcoming you on this exciting journey as you master this skilled and beautiful ancient art form.


© 2017 Sitara Dance all rights reserved
Please respect that all the content on this site, including photographs and text, is the subject of copyright and all rights are reserved.

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